Our Activities
Environmental Program
Our organization understands their social responsibilities very well; we try to keep our environment safe. Environment & Forest has deep impacts on our lives, but due to our negligence, the environment is getting polluted every day. As a social human being, we try to save both the environment & forest by arranging programs like tree plantation, river cleaning, etc. It is a small start from the end of us to make the world a better place to live; we gather local children and youth to work with us. We are planning to start a tree plantation every month to increase environmental awareness.
Vocational Training Program
The objective of the scheme is to give vocational training to school dropouts by some experienced trainers. Under this scheme, beneficiaries will be trained in driving, tailoring, repairing television and other electronic equipment, nursing, beautician courses, etc. On completion of the courses, beneficiaries will be given certificates. They can show these certificates to relevant companies to get jobs; the certification will come with the stamp of government. Participants of this program can also take part in other training classes to train others.

Women Counseling Camps
Women empowerment is the major goal of us in rural areas and tries to educate women to make a change. We understand the root cause of the problem and concentrate on empowering women in our project areas based on their education and rights. We also created many CBOs and SHOs which are run and managed by the local women of their areas. We conduct a meeting every month for them where our staff elaborates about the value of education. Besides that, we educate the groups about their rights which are decided by the Govt of India.
Sports Program
Sports is the best way to teach students about discipline, friendship, rules, leadership, teamwork, and respect for each other. We arrange sports programs every year in our school for students. Besides that, on every occasion, we keep sports programs like football tournaments, cricket tournaments, kabadi, kushti, etc. to help students become physically and mentally healthy and fine. We invite local administration in our programs as guests who encourage our students to perform well and also distribute prizes to the toppers.